Thursday, 4 September 2014

Rickety Man Films

I hope some of you or all of you reading this have followed my failed progress of creating a website and doing more in the way of movies and the outdoors.  Why you may ask well this year has had some crazy changes in my personal life, which include job change, love life change and soon to be moving home, so its been a hectic year to be fair and very little outdoors camping, Ive been out but not as much as I'd have liked, had two meet ups where a few from facebook have met up on a campsite and had a good time chilling sharing stories and having a few beers.

Before I ramble on to much I will appolgise to those who have tried to add me on facebook, if I haven't met you in real life then am sorry but you won't be added, its my personal space not about the outdoors even tho from time to time i will use it to get my pics and vid out to my friends, if you wish to speak to me or add me on twitter please feel free I will follow back and when i do get out start tweeting pics etc.

A massive thankyou for the people that have kept on following me its much appreciated and stay tuned hopefully things settle and I can start blogging again

Thank You for your Support


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