Monday, 23 May 2011

23/5/11 10:30pm

So today is Monday 23rd May and I've had my kestrel 3000 for a few weeks and have done a few tests, one of which I hung it out of my car at 50mph and it recorded 45mph considering all car speedos are wrong, this is pretty accurate.

So am sitting texting Dave Murphy and he sent me a text back telling me I should try it up Penshaw Monument so off I went.

It recorded an average wind speed of 16.1mph, max gust speed hit 44mph and the wind chill at that speed was 2.5c needless to say my bloody hand was freezing after a few minutes holding it up like in the picture.

So my next wild camp for once I'm praying for strong winds so I can capture these on my new little device and share the information with you all.


  1. Your next one might be with me...i cant afford another tent to snap in the wind !!! Lol

  2. Well people out there are wanting to see more storms lol but if its nice weather well I'll be happy still lol

  3. " one of which I hung it out of my car at 50mph and it recorded 45mph considering all car speedos are wrong, this is pretty accurate."

    LMAO! Funny man. Like that. They are very accurate, mate. Military use em, and so do Met Office. Even the fell top assessors for Helvellyn in the winter use them. Enjoy the new toy!

    You'll be surprised how much you can learn with them things
