Friday, 29 July 2011

I Would Like to thank.......

I thought I would do a quick post just to say thank you to all the people that visit this blog, I see the stats every day and I'm very grateful for the views.

A bigger thank you goes out to the people that actually comment on my posts, yep you know who you are thanks a million it makes writing them that whole lot easier.   :-)

If you read but don't comment for what ever reason please feel free comment negative or positive they will all be posted on here for all to see, I don't bite one last thing if you love your wild camping then check my videos out on youtube you can get the link from here or just type in youtube themuss28 and it shall bring up my vids.

If you would like to see anything in particular in my videos or even on here please feel free to make a comment and let me know what you would like or even something you don't like.
Thanks again it means alot

Paul aka The Muss :-)


  1. No swearing or references to alcohol ? Are you feeling OK ?

  2. Lol yea just thought it was time to give people like you a thank you without the beer and the fucks lol without people visiting this blog and my youtube account then what I do would be pointless so thanks again

  3. That's more like it :)

  4. Paul mate could you do a video of what you carry In your pack

  5. Anything with a wild camp does it for me. Keep at it.

  6. Nicely said mate, i have just done a thank you message on youtube, then came onto here and seen you had done one as well, great minds think a like!!

    and to answer your question..yes i would like to see you upgrade to eating steak, so me, you, and Dave can have a triple steak off next time were out :-)

  7. Forgot to mention, what you said above is totally true mate, without people looking at our blogs and youtube channels, it would be pointless taking the time and effort writing them, uploading video's, i'd still go wild camping but wouldnt be able to share it with the world !

    have you seen this recent blog

    its a wonderful site with loads of info about wild camping :-)

  8. @ukwildcamping I've been wanting to do something like that so I may make that my next challenge, its always good to know what each other carrys

    @Martin thanks mate means alot

    @Chris upgrade to steak too much to carry lol I'll stick to my boil in the bags and just keep on drowling over yours and Murphy's. I have sent blogspot a message there seems to be a spammer trying to get more hits on his site MR SUMNER lol

  9. enjoy your new posts paul , makes me laugh

  10. All good stuff mate, keep it going. Some of your comments crack me up.

  11. @jammycathcart cheers mate I aim to raise a smile

    @Philr I crack myself up sometimes when I read it back lol

    thanks lads for the comments :-)

  12. It’s a good read and the video’s are excellent. Keep it up!

  13. Thanks Alan it pleases me know end that people enjoy my posts and vids thanks

  14. Hey mate its crazy jase from utube just found you on here and hope you can spare five minutes to take a look at my new blog. Your blog is cool cheers.


  15. Hi Paul, thanks for visiting our blog. Our follow button is at the bottom of the page. Sometimes it shows for me and sometimes it doesn't, but I believe they are having a problem with the gadget. Actually, when I cleared cache it reappeared! Go figure. Excellent blog btw. Great pics. Sara. :-D
