So quite a while back now Terrybnd put a blog up that he was organising a social meet and bringing along some gear manufactures. Sounded like my type of holiday so I booked the Saturday off and planned to leave 2:30pm Friday, problem number 1 came about when my hours changed with my job and I started finishing at 6pm nightmare!. I wasn't going to get there till about 9pm which wasn't what I wanted not just cursed with, I went in to see the boss kind man he is he let me finish at 4:30pm, I tried for a half 2 but got no where lol.
So Friday eventually came and I got my work done as quick as possible (delivering ikea books) back was about to explode and on my way back to the depot, thinking 4pm might be finished for here curse of the muss 2 came about, because its the last bank holiday in the year everyone hits the roads and the tyne tunnel was blocked chocker fuck me. I eventually got back and finished for 4:30pm on the dot, now was the race back home quick wash and change and toss my pre packed things in car and off I set, taking it easy when I got to the road works because they had average speed road cameras then off I went again not many people past me and I was knocking the mins off my time and eventually arrived at the Monsal head hotel just after 8:30pm.
I phoned Terry to give me directions to the camp site not realising it was about 20 second drive from there, a quick hello to everyone and a good mate of mine also met through youtube for the love of making the vids of his wild camps, he reminded me that he had bought me a gift and off he went to get it for me. I love presents what could this mad hatter be fetching me my mind boggled to what it could be thinking it was going to be something mental but instead it was a tin of already mixed brandy+coke, just what I needed after the day I had put in, Thanks Chris, needless to say it went down a treat could have had a crate.......hint hint.
We were all having a bit chin wag when someone said to me to get my tent up as we were off to the pub so I started to lay my tent out and Ally from Terra Nova came over chatting about the voyager helped herself into helping me to erect my tent lol, so my claim to fame someone from Terra nova pitched my tent for me with a small amount of help from me, so if anyone wants to buy my terra nova Voyager superlite its going for a grand as its famous.
So tent was up thanks to Ally for pushing me on as it would have lay there for another 10-20mins. Off we all went to the pub (stables bar) for a nice few pints and a good laugh, it seemed by the noise in the pub that everyone was having a great time. One conversation I do remember was on about the floor of all things to talk about but funny as it ain't level so when you walk on it sober I might add you feel pissed but when you pissed and walk on it you must look a right twat trying to go forward and not to the right or left lol. So the end of the night came and everyone was leaving so we got up and I just couldn't help it but notice that they sold Drambuie so I thought I'll catch yous up and having a shot of this before I go, so last person standing in the bar lol who would have guessed, I ordered a shot of dram on ice she came back and to be honest it didn't look enough so I asked how much she said £3 so I told her to pop another one in, £6 and it last 2seconds as I knocked it back and headed off not to miss any drinking time at the tents. Back at the campsite is a bit of a blur but I think I might have had a can and a good laugh with Terry and the others.
Morning came and I felt ruff as a badgers arse but out the tent I got and seen Chris fresh and alert not sure if he had even had a beer keeping himself fresh for a walk along Monsal trail on Saturday, I asked if him and his wife were going for a spot of breakfast to pull my arse into gear, they were so off we went hoping a nice bacon sarnie was on menu in the cafe, curse of the muss3 cafe shut fuck now what, hotel was open so off we went in there bacon roll was on the menu with fresh OJ.
The orange juice might as well been a shot of alchol it was tiny fuck don't they know I need juice alot of to balance the scales for my liver, anyways the bacon roll was fantastic I think it cost about £4.50 for it mind but Chris rescued me from having a heart attack and paid the bill mine included thanks Chris (twice). I was to return the favour in buying him and Laura a round of beers on the night more on that later.
So back at the campsite I had agreed to take Terry to Stanage Edge where he was to do some filming for work but Rob (Screeming Tree from LFTO) offered to take Terry, me and Eion (Terrys mate) in his car as it was slightly bigger than my Aygo BMW 3series sweet cheers Rob.
In the car it was all a little quite, it was obvious that we were all fooked apart from Rob who was fit to drive, after what seemed a life time Terry came out with he wasn't feeling too well bit car sick lol not the fact he been supping real ale pints and bottles and well generally mixing up all his ale lol. This made me feel a little better especially when Eion told me he was feeling like shit too, we arrived and Terry hung over the wall we all had a good laugh nothing better when someones feeling worse than you however give it to the lad he Held it down and never wasted any beer good man.
We all headed up to the edge and I did a bit filming for my vid I was to make which you can watch here, Terry set to work and Rob led me and Eion up on top of Stanage Edge and into a cave he had visited before, for me was like being a kid again exploring and climbing into shit, well enjoyed it and did some filming of that too we joked about looking for ancient porn scribbled on the walls and actually found some kid or big kid had drawn a chucky lol. We headed down and admired the views of the climbers all roped up and harness on hehehe.
From Stanage Edge |
More socialising and Rab turned up with a load of goodies for us all to try on and investigate, so a bunch of grown men and women went savage over these items some new stuff and what I could her and see was one item in particular got everyones or nearly everyones attention a down jacket that is water proof felt lovely on nice and toasty and because its waterproof no worrys of it getting wet and losing its warm.
It was getting on in the evening and I was starved so on went two boil in the bags from look what we found and a slice of bread in each just to absorb what I was about to drink or what I had actual drunk. After stuffing my face everyone was heading to the stables bar to see if they had won on the raffle all excited about the chance to win some really sweet prizes from gift vouchers to Rab jackets and even stoves I was truly looking forward to this.
As some might be aware (curseofthemuss) can be a bit of a pain at times and I win nothing apart from Terrybnds competition which was truly sweet for me to win I have a nice fleece from my win and the fact I won something for the first time was truly lifting the curse, anyways in the pub we went pint ordered and I sat with Mr and Mrs Sumner a truly loved up couple who you can't help but find a good friendship, mind I have never met anyone like Mrs Sumner even when I was t shirted up and quite warm she had down jacket on with about 3 layers under truly insane, talking about insane Chris as am sure you will have seen in my vids now he is another nut case so they well matched and I mean that in a good way.
Chris |
So back to the pub Saturday night sitting at the table with Mr and Mrs Sumner, Giles and Alex, great company all eager well I was lol to see if I could yet again win something from Mr Bond. Now I being a little impatient was now finished my first pint and still no raffle draw sitting at the table with my strip of tickets, we all noticed a member of staff keep coming to our table asking if she had with her our meals, now we had not ordered anything but this girl just kept coming to our table after which I think would have been the 3rd time I thought to have some fun with this to the amusement of the whole table.
I heard her shout the number 62 out and my raffle ticket went up to 60 so I thought what the heck next time she offers food I'll ask her where mine is and show her my ticket, so as she walked past I asked if she had number 60 and showed her my raffle ticket she immediately went into the zone of apologies and that there was a tech issue and she was so sorry but everything will be sorted before I could say have I won a jacket she was off into the kitchen to I assume to ask the chef.
She came back to the table again full of apologies this time I butted in and asked her where my rab jacket was and had I won it, this time showing her my full strip of raffle tickets and pointing to the number 60, she choose to ignore me fully and kept waffling on in a state of panic she zoomed off again by this time our table was in stitches and I'm sure Giles was dying to hide himself from this crazy situation. Me and Chris had a brief chat about shit what if she brings you free dinners.
Few minutes past and she came back with another member of staff and asked if she could see my recepit, I could help but laugh and show her my raffle tickets again and ask if I had won a jacket, she replied that she didn't have a raffle going and realised then that she had been had by The Muss. They both walked away smiling so no harm was done but I couldn't help thinking it was her first day so next time she past with a smirk I asked her if it had been her first day on the job she said "yes!" I told her I felt shit and she said and so you should. It had been a good laugh something am sure she will remember as will I.
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From left to right Me, Mrs Sumner, Giles & Alex |
So it was time for the raffle and am quite sure it was like over an hour late god damn I was on hot bricks. Mr Rab picking the numbers and Terry pulling the item you would win out of a black bag we had started, I can't remember everything and who won what but a few prizes went to the back of the pub one I do know Andy (mixedupmessedup) won a Rab water proof jacket and then a number 58 got me a womens Rab down jacket £175 worth fuck me I was like HERE!!!!! again my lucky gem Terrybnd maybe I'll take him to the casino and see if I can win some cash lol I was over the moon next on our table to win which believe it or not in a clock wise direction in the way we were sitting at the table, Chris won the lightest stove in the world then onto Giles £75 worth of vouchers to spend on choc merino and then it got to Alex and well he won nowt but a truly amazing way, I was sitting on the luckiest table and am sure some folks must have thought fix but am sure Alex may have the curse now lol.
So the end of the night came again for many or everyone in the pub but for me the drink was just flowing so I told Chris I'd catch him up in the field and off I went with my £30+ to spend at the bar on double brandys. I sat on my todd thinking of the weekend and glowing off my win, it had been a fantastic weekend. I watched as a couple came in had a drink and left and when I was just about spent up and well before that the staff were cleaning things up yep I think it was time for me to head out to the camp site and enjoy some more banter.
I don't however remember much only that it did rain and we all piled into Dave from Myoutdoors big tent and finished the night off with a can of carling and a laugh. I woke up starved and thirsty this time for some OJ and it wasnt long before I was up and out of the tent, Chris was up and a bit chat I set my camera for some timelapse footage. I headed off back home with some found mermories and new friends some of which I have planned a wild caap with in all it was a really good time, sorry if its been a long read but I did do a shorter version before hand lol.
Great write up, nice how you missed the other visitor to the pub with you on Saturday afternoon :)
ReplyDeleteTop write up Muss enjoyed it. Quite gifted for a Mackem! Lol.
@Andy I have added ya mate I really can't remember you there, sorry its shocking you must have been quit as a mouse lol
ReplyDelete@Pootsie121165 aye mate am gifted but not at blogging lol
ReplyDeleteJust accept that you are gifted mate.
Ok just need to make 36 quid a day for my pocket am for hire any one lol (gear tester)
ReplyDeleteNice write up mate, really enjoyed it, brought a smile to my face thinking back to that weekend, i just hope im off for the next one whenever that is, roll on the 7th October
ReplyDeletei bought you a present, the Terra Nova woman put your tent up, I bought you breakfast, you won the best jacket, then you robbed my picture of you and terry for your blog !! the cheek of it eh?
is that not copyright? if so i require for compensation...a Rab infinty jacket size large (blue in colour) and also a Rab Demand jacket (blue in colour), and that should cover it i think :-)
if these demands are not met...I WILL SEE YOU AND WARRR LAASSSS IN COURT !!
speak to you soon crazy fooool
Chris I'll let you touch the tent and maybe sit in in for a while since its famous. Copyright?? I cant see your name on it lol bunch of theiving bastards up north pmsl
ReplyDeletewhat did you take the panaoramic shot with of the camp site at the top?
ReplyDelete@the crate yep I'll drink it all how long will it take me ? how many bottles in a crate usually there are 24 so I give myself a week obviously pushing it to the max pmsl
ReplyDelete@chris my little camera its a little auto function on the camera you press button and swipe it across bangs bobs your uncle fannys ya aunt sony hx5v I'll sell you it £300 lol