Saturday, 12 June 2010

Wild Camping Fail

Well as some as you may know I been searching for a new tent, a light weight solo but in fact in the end I went for the Terra Nova Voyager Superlite, and since I received it got an invite to go wild camping with 2 others from LFTO Jammycathcart and SteveJ, what a brilliant time to test my new tent I thought, so I accepted the invite all planned bag packed, buzzing again from the thought of trying my new tent and camping with other people than my other half or on my todd for that matter. It was to change on the friday I was meant to go as I have been getting a blotchy type rash on my arms and legs but nothing really to be fussed over, something I ate or whatever, the Monday before I went to the local walkin centre to see if it was an allergic reaction and sure enough the nurse says yep that's what it looks like, she gave me a piriton and said I would have to wait 2 hours to see another obviously more skilled person to just make sure, I'd being waiting for 1 hour already I could not be arsed to wait another 2 hours just for someone else to say its an allergic reaction, so off I went thinking it could be soap powder or softener, all the marks healed up after a couple of piritons and a day passed 6 rather large wash loads later and bedding clothes and towels all clean I stopped the piriton and the day after it started to come back now I had only changed the softener as the soap powder was one I always use. So thinking on Thursday I bet to get to work with these piritons to take the itch and blotches away like it did before , before I went wild camping on Friday, did it work did it fuck it was getting worse by the minute, so Friday I went to the walkin centre and decided to wait and see what the other nurse would say what a waste of fucking time, she rambled on about just keep taking the piriton (erm what about the problem that's causing this I thought) if it doesn't stop itching by tonight go to your GP (yea 2 week waiting list) so she gave a number as the walkin centre has a proper Doctor there between 6pm-10pm. Now my buzzing of going wild camping has gone and am stuck to find what the fuck is causing this itch. Trip cancelled and the even more agonising wait to tell me what I missed sitting in the house watching Big fucking Brother. I went to the Doctor which rambled on about this is an emergency Doctor go see your GP next time and then in his next breathe if you have trouble breathing or your tongue swells up or and your face go straight to the AE at the hospital. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at that point I became filled with racism towards this Doctor, which I won't type down for you to read. His advice was it looked like it was washing powder even though I had used the same one and that it still could be anything to the air I breathed go away and get a sensitive washing powder was everything oh and take some steroids, writing this down am having a roid rage just thinking about my missed trip, my review of my new Superlite tent fucking bastards why me last trip split head this trip allergic reaction what the fuck is next. Actually I don't really want to know.......So now its Saturday still washing yet more clothes bedding and towels its a lovely day and am stuck in still itchy but its died down alot having roid rage and basically in a twat of a mood. Hopefully this thing that bugs me (allergic reaction) will piss off and let me get away to fore fill my tent review appetite, bastards.....

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