Friday, 6 April 2012

For Sale.........maybe...

I'm thinking of selling this tent Hilleberg Allak.  I bought the tent not too long ago and I can big it up enough its strong and loads of room, it will sell itself I don't need to boost it up, reason is I bought it for me and the other half but it ain't looking too good for her to get out with me so I want a solo tent, I wont be giving it away so no silly offers there £725 and fetch a good price on ebay it is used mind not much Ive had it up in garden and 2 multi night wild camps and a failed 1 nighter in some pretty nasty weather the poles have got slight bends in them anyone interested I will send some pics of the poles.

I thought I would offer it on here first before I put it on ebay but I will also put the link on this post for it when it goes on ebay any questions feel free to ask, please no stupid offers.

Thanks for your time

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